Access to a personalized global health research mentorship is vital to any new researchers interested in producing impactful work responsibly. World-class researchers who assess your skills and provide guidance based on your profile. Mentors are readily available during our summer workshop program, and mentorship has become the most popular part of our training. We now aim to bring this service to anyone.
With this portal, we are creating a platform where early researchers within the global health research collaborative can connect with established researchers who have complementary interests and skill sets. Participants will be able to begin creating their own international global health research network while developing global health research skills. Our portal will have three primary components:
The mentor directory has a complete list of all of the mentors in our program, with their CV and contact information included. Our user-friendly portal system is specifically designed for you to connect 1:1 with any of the mentors and receive both feedback and guidance for any research or professional development questions.
This unique access to mentorship through our portal will allow you to network with our fantastic faculty across multiple professional fields with no restrictions, and form a true global health collaborative!
You will create your own professional biography, including your current research interests as a member of the portal.
Fellow members will have the ability to see each other’s profiles and contact each other directly through the portal.
This direct messaging feature will allow members to contact each other for research collaboration, questions in their field of expertise or any other topic of interest. With this collaboration, we can form a true global health network!
The portal will feature a discussion board forum where members can post questions seeking answers, or partnerships for future research projects. This allows for discussion and networking among peers to grow individual and group partnerships
coming soon ...This portal will be accessible through this web page soon. All mentors on the program will have gone through a vetting process and mentorship training. Open to anyone in the collaborative, however, all fellow members will have a strong interest in working on impactful research and are expected to be active in using the portal. We hope to sustain this portal and what the mentorship it provides through successful research projects that you will complete!
coming soon ...Master basic investigative principles and kickstart your global health research journey in one of the most comprehensive global health research programs.
essentials course >We are on a mission to create the research infrastructure of tomorrow through mentorship, education, and educational opportunities with a global reach and impact.
about our model >With academic publications, community, research and publication resources and more- the GHRC Resource Library offers a growing collection of useful content for students and mentors.
resource library >